Saturday, September 4, 2010

Book of Revelations: The Devil's in the Detail

Bruce Cathie's figure of 144,000 minutes of arc per second for the speed of light is even more revealing. if e=mC2, then when e moves across Einstein's equation, becoming m, the mathematical 'sign' (the predisposition of the mass) must be equal and opposite (a simple rule of algebra). This is to say that if God threw away plus 5 volts of positive energy, this would convert to minus 5 volts of mass. "Voltage levels are used here simply to accommodate an explanation of the principles involved.) The mass would always be attracted back to God because of the attracting nature of opposite polarities (just like north magnetic pole attracts south magnetic pole). This is why people throughout history have sought God. This means that if God is good (positive), mass must be bad (negative). Which means the physical world, and everything in it, must be bad, which means that this physical world we find ourselves in is actually hell.

That this is so is supported by Cathie's figure of 144,000: 144,000 minutes of arc equals 6.66 revolutions of the earth. This means simply that light travels 6.66 times around the earth in one second (144,000 divided by 60 minutes divided by 360 degrees equals 6.66 revolutions). Which confirms that the earth, and everything on it (the physical world), must be the devil, the beast. 666 is the 'beast', spoken of by St. John in Revelation, by Lord Pacal in the decoded Lid of Palenque, and by Tutankhamun in the treasures of his tomb. This means that the body is the devil, 666, and God, the soul, is light (144,000)
--FROM The Tutankhamun Prophecies: The Sacred Secret of the Maya, Egyptians and Freemasons by Maurice Cotterell

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