Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ancient Mathematics: Ya’ll Give the devil Way Too Much Power

Ancient mathematics postulates that 1 plus 1 is NOT 2. 

Huh?  That doesn’t make any sense. 

Well, to the learned, 1 plus 1 equals 2 didn’t make sense to them. 

You see with the invention of the cypher (zero) being placed before the number 1, a new concept was created. 

The cypher was until that time used as a holding place for digits that had no value.  For example in the number 101 you have 1 as the digit value for hundreds, cypher (zero) as the digit value for tens and 1 as the digit value for ones.  This is how the cypher was used.  Placing it before the number one is not only a relatively “new” mathematical concept, it also change religious thought since religion and mathematics originally were the same thing (that topic is for another article).

You see mathematics was an expression of form (seen and unseen) to the ancients.  Numbers represented not only physical reality but also spiritual expression and the placing of zero before the number one has change how we think and what we believe dramatically.  Zero before one gave creation to the concept of negative numbers.  A negative number was irrational to the ancient mind of concept and religion.  They would have asked the question “how can you have a negative amount of anything?” and “ how can God have an equal opposite?”.

These negative numbers by definition negate all other numbers making the resulting sum of their product  to equal zero. 1 plus -1 equals 0, 2 plus -2 equals 0, 3 plus -3 equals 0...etc.  The religious numerical teaching of the past taught that the number one was supreme, eternal, indivisible and incorruptible.  Thus GOD was understood as ONE.  There can be only one GOD....there can be only one ONE.  Therefore, ONE plus ONE is ONE... ONE GOD....NOT TWO GODS....

The placement of the Cypher (Zero) before one gave concept to the devil or an equal and opposite of God that when added to God (-1 plus 1) equals NIL or nothing.  Since the placement of zero before one, GOD (1) has been seen to have an equal and opposite called the devil (-1). It doesn't matter if you call your God Jesus, Yahweh or Allah, the MOST HIGH does NOT have an equal and opposite being. 

This point relates to religion in this manner:  there is only ONE GOD and everything flows from GOD.  Good, bad, righteousness and evil.  They all come from ONE point.  ONE source. 

So next time you are confronted with evil or negativism...understand that THAT IS AN ILLUSION.  Use love on evil and the devil.  Love will help dispel the illusion so you can really see what God is trying to communicate to you. 

Like I said.....Ya'll giving the devil way too much power.  And that's the only power that the devil has:  the power that you give him.  Otherwise he's helpless with no strength or foothold.

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