Saturday, October 16, 2010

Octave of Creation

It’s been a while since I dropped anything upon you.  I wanted to give you a breather.  If you have read my past post then you undoubtedly know about the repetition of the number seven, throughout the Bible, other religious texts and systems and etc.  That was only a preparation for the eight step.  Some of you read what I post with disbelief and disconcertment. Others read and are starting to have SELF realization.  This is for the both of you.  This is of course long.  If you can stay with it, you will see how this number connects all systems of learning, including God’s Sciences of Chemistry & Biology.   It even occurs on the atomic level, aligning all matter.  Why?  Because of a secret.  A secret so vast and deep that it literally is right under your nose.  A secret that will open up the universe to you and in you.  A secret that the church uses but does not want you to know.  Although, I have been the subject of many accusations, I post this for you.  I give this out of all the universal love in my heart because I want you to know.  Do Ra Mi Fa So La Ti Do And now:.

The Octave of Creation

The octagenic Stone of the alchemists being glimpsed by modern people is part of the fundamental matrix of reality described in the Emerald Tablet and represents an archetypal template from which diverse modern mystical and religious symbols have emerged.  How did the ancients view the Stone?  The Egyptian Octad, or eight qualities of creation, were worshipped in the temples of Hermopolis, where Thoth was regarded as the head of the Group of Eight and was responsible for enabling them to come into existence.  Thoth is also credited with inventing the musical octave and embedding it in the mathematics of the universe.  The sacred name of Hermopolis, Khemenu, means the City of Eight, and is possibly the origin of our word alchemy.  According to the ancient Egyptian papyri, the ultimate act of creation was the Eighth, which returned directly to the One: I am the One that transforms into Two; I am the Two that transforms into Four; I am the Four that transforms into Eight; After this am I One again.  We now recognize this ancient sequence as the dance of life itself.  In the division of every human cell, a process known as mitosis takes place that involves a sequence of the Seven Steps of Transformation resulting in an equal dividing of genetic material, and in the Eight Step, the creation of a new cell.

In ancient Chinese cosmology, the Great Flood was caused by the powers of Eight, and it became known as the Holy Number.  Chinese philosophers also spoke of the Eight Winds of creation and tied them to the eight trigrams of the I Ching from which all possible combinations of reality can be derived.  These forces were alternatively expressed as the Eight Pillars that held up the canopy of heaven (Freemasons take note-JLove) and the Eight Gates of the rains.  Many Tibetan mandalas are geometric patterns generated by the number eight, and the popular system of Feng Shui is based on the octagon.  Chinese alchemy produced the Eight Immortals, who together symbolize the properties of the Elixir.  Like the Eight Precious Items of Confucius, Buddhism has its Eightfold Way, yoga its Eightfold Path, Sufism its Eight Sentences of the Path of Junayd, and Christianity the Eight Beatitudes of Christian service given by Christ in his Sermon on the Mount.  The guidelines of modern worship are sill filtered through the Egyptian Group of Eight.  We find the same hidden Octad in the eight-spoked Wheel of Dharma and throughout the life of Buddha.  Born on April 8 or May 8, 560 B.C.E.., his birth was attended by eight priests, and after Buddha died on December 8, 480 B.C.E. at the age of 80, his ashes were divided into eight portions and given to eight tribal chiefs.  In other Eastern religions, the Octad is represented in the 108 names of the goddess or in all the 88,000 chakras in human body.  (There are seven main chakras that correspond to your 7 endocrine glands and a secret 8 main chakra that connects to your astral body & higher self- JLove)

            The supreme Babylonian god hid in a darkened room on the eighth floor of their temples.  In the Mithraic mysteries, there exists an unspoken Eight Gate known as the Mountain of Transubstantiation that leads to a luminous realm beyond the seven major gates of initiation.  According to Muslim belief, there are seven hells and eight heavens, which can be seen in the eightfold layout of gardens and books in Iran and Muslim India.  The magnificent octagonal Tower of the Winds built by the Athenians is another example of the Eight Winds that determine total reality, and the final act in the Eleusinian Mysteries came on the sacred eighth day.  The horse of the god Wodan, who is considered the German counterpart of Hermes, has eight legs, and in other cultures around the world, an eight-legged horse carries shamans on their journey to the Other Side.  Eight-spoked medicine wheels are how Native Americans mark sacred places of outdoor worship.

            In Judaism, the Feast of the Tabernacles is on the eighth day.  Eight people were saved from the Flood, and the archetypal city Jerusalem has eight gates although the Bible speaks of a New Jerusalem that is the perfected Stone of the alchemists.  In Christianity, the eighth day of the Passion is when Christ’s resurrection took place, an even known as the Eighth Day of Creation.  This sacred geometry is incorporated into octagonal pulpits, fountains, baptismal fonts, and in church architecture.  (Yes, look at the big churches in your city and see what the Freemasons have built through sacred geometry-JLove) Eight are the temple’s walls, wrote the Bishop of Milan (St. Ambrose) in De Bono Mortis (On the Goodness of Death, 380 C.E.).  Oh number worthy of holy actions performed at the spot!  Eight are the walls of the font, mystical shape that covers the rites of the Water”rites for the saving of man”mystical number of Eight.

            Early Christian theologians taught that there were seven levels to heaven, but the highest was with God on the eighth.  The Gnostics also believed in a God of eight parts”four pairs of opposing qualities.  In the Near East, the fertility goddess Ishtar was symbolized by an eight-pointed star, which in early Christianity was appropriated to represent the Virgin Mary.  In the Catholic alpine nations, her symbol, even today, is the white, eight-pointed Edelweiss flower.

(Here comes my favorite”JLove)

            If we look into the metamathematics of the number eight, we see more auspicious signs of its sacred power.  Gernot of Rechersber, medieval German philosopher, said: Eight, as the first perfect cube [23], imprints us in body and soul with the security of eternal beatitude.  The Greeks knew that the square of any odd number above one is a multiple of eight plus one (3 squared = 9 = 8 +1; 5 squared = 25 = 24 (3x8) + 1; 11 squared = 121 = 120 (15x8) + 1; 137 squared = 18769 = 18768 (2346x8) + 1---JLove), thus confirming ins esoteric math the Egyptian Octad plus Thoth.  Architecturally, the octagon serves as the transition from the square to the circle, which was its same function in the alchemical Squaring of the Circle, and connotes the transition from the earthly to the heavenly, the rational to the irrational.  (Study the difference between rational numbers & irrational numbers”JLove)  The numerical name of the Devil is Thrice Greatest Six (666), while that of Jesus is Thrice Greatest Eight (888), yet the two numbers are related.  The octahedron is a three-dimensional figure with eight planes that resembles a diamond shape (or two pyramids joined at their bases), but when the octahedron is projected into two-dimensional space, it is seen as a six-sided figure, the hexagon. (The hexagon is also found if you draw a cube in two-dimensional space.  The Hebrew Star of David is a cube in 2 dimensions, just finish connecting the dots.  Study the platonic solids of the cube and octahedron.  Cube has 12 edges, 6 faces and 8 vertices while the Octahedron has 12 edges 8 faces and 6 vertices.  Also, in sacred geometry Jesus is expressed as the square root of 3  and illusion or devil is expressed as the square root of 2 . God the infinite is expressed as Phi---JLove)  Eight is considered an auspicious number even in modern times.  In depth psychology, eight is the number of individuation, it represents the wholeness of the personality, and it is generally considered a number of good fortune.  On August 8, 1988 (Believe it or not, this is the day that I decided I would pledge Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. right before coming back for the Fall semester @ UT”JLove), there was a remarkably high number of marriages in many countries, and so many people played numbers containing eight that some lotteries refused to take any more bets that day.  It was also the date of a powerful Harmonic Convergence on the planet in which tens of thousands of people took time to gather in positive meditation.  Harmony itself is an expression of the musical octave, which shows itself even in the smallest unit of matter.  It is known that every atom strives to combine with other atoms in patterns that will give it a complete component of eight electrons in its outermost shell.  In today’s Periodic Table of Elements, all known elements are arranged according to their atomic weights and naturally fall into eight categories of similar properties, and all of material reality is expressed in just seven rows of eight elements.  (For those of you who actually read this, please remember this information since I will refer back to it in the future when I post information on the PHILOSOPHER’S STONE”JLove)

            The Octad keeps recurring in our reality because it is a fundamental archetype on all levels of creation.  Physically, psychologically, and spiritually, the number Eight drives the hidden processes of transformation.  The secret Eight was a basic component of Hermetic doctrine since the beginning and has been openly incorporated into a number of esoteric disciplines.  The spiritual Work founded by Russian Georg Gurdjieff centers around his Law of Octaves.  The octave is indeed the basic vibration of the whole universe, from the music of the spheres (The planets make a noise as they travel in their orbits.  This noise can be heard in deep meditative states.  Don’t believe me.  Google Music of the Spheres.-JLove) to the music that resonated below in human beings.  On the average, the voices of men, women, and children vary from one another in whole octaves, and much of the phenomena around us can be interpreted in terms of the vibrations of the seven tones of the musical scale.  Alternatively, Gurdjief called his rule the Law of Seven and recognized that the universal Seven Steps of Transformation always result in a new level of creation that is the Eighth.  The Eight step is a second beginning, sometimes even a Second Body (Jesus ansered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”John 3:5 JLove), organized on a higher level (or Octave) that represents the fulfillment of what the previous Seven Steps had prepared.

From The Emerald Tablet Alchemy for Personal Transformation by Dennis William Hauck, published by Penguin Compass, New York, NY 1999

Remember God speaks to us in numbers.  Music is geometry of numbers.  The octave: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do.

The correspondences of the following are out of order in certain areas for certain reasons!

Musical Note




Wavelength of Color


Days of Week

Masonic Lodge





625-740 nm








590-625 nm








565-590 nm








520-565 nm








440-500 nm








420-440 nm








380-420 nm








Meditate on that!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eff Satan & Eff You Too!

okay...I'm tired of this Freemason's are Satanist line of thought...I don't even believe in that BS called Satan...GOD don't have an opposite and equal being running around and everything is GOD so there is no room for that crap....I don't care what the bible (doesn't) say about Satan...I don't give any energy or support to the idea that I'm possible controlled by an evil entity....Accept responsibility people...the only devil that I believe in is the one inside of you if you pass off your responsibility to this fairy tale character....EFF the DEVIL! So please....quit associating Freemasonry with Satanism...before I let the devil control my tongue and start cussing you ignorant, non-reading, misunderstanding, so called wanna be biblical scholars who think you know something cause Pastor said it!!!!  Don't associate me with that stupid crap again!!!