Sunday, December 11, 2016

40 oz. of Bible (Straight to da head)!

40 oz. of Bible (Straight to da head)!

The meaning of the ancient name of Jerusalem tells us unequivocally that it was founded with Venus in mind. According to tradition its high sanctuary was the spot where Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son, and where Solomon built the Temple that is aligned to the pre-dawn rising of that planet. We also know from our study of Groved Ware structures of the British Isles that the period of the Venus cycle is forty years - a number which we now noticed seemed to be of great importance in the Bible.
To check out if our assessment of the biblical use of forty was more than wishful thinking we pulled out as many references as we could find to forty-day or forty-year periods in the Bible. Here are just a sample of forty mentions of forty we extracted from the Old and the New Testaments:

1. The Flood was associated with rains that fell for 40 days and nights. (Gen. 7:4)
2. The Flood was on the earth for 40 days. (Gen. 7:17)
3. Issac was 40 years old when he took his wife. (Gen 25:20)
4. Esau was 40 years old when he took his wife. (Gen. 26:34)
5. Israel ate manna for 40 years. (Exodus 16:35)
6. God said that at the end of 40 years He would end the captivity of the Jews amongst the Egyptians. (Ezekiel 29:13)
7. Moses was with God on the mount for 40 days and nights. (Ex. 24:18)
8. Moses was again with God for a further 40 days and 40 nights. (Ex. 34:28)
9. Moses led Israel out of Egypt aged 80 (2 X 40), and after 40years in the wilderness he died aged 120 (3 X 40). (Deut. 34:7)
10. Spies searched in the land of Canaan for 40 days. (Num. 13:25)
11. God made Israel wander for 40 years. (Num. 14: 33-34)
12. 40 stripes was the maximum whipping penalty. (Deut. 25:3)
13. God allowed the land to rest for 40 years. (Judges 3:11)
14. God again allowed the land to rest for 40 years. (Judges 5:31)
15. God again allowed the land to rest for 40 years. (Judges 8:28)
16. Abdon (one of the Judges in Israel) had 40 sons. (Judges 12:14)
17. Israel did evil and God gave them to an enemy for 40 years. (Judges 13:1)
18. Eli judge Israel for 40 years. (1 Sam. 4:18)
19. Goliath presented himself to Israel for 40 days. (1 Sam. 17:16)
20. Saul, the first Jewish king, reigned for 40 years. (Acts 13:21)
21. Saul was 40 years old when he became king. (Acts 13:21)
22. Ishbosheth (Saul's son) was 40 when his reign began (2 Sam 2:10)
23. David reigned for 40 years. (2 Sam. 5:4, 1 Kings 2:11)
24. Solomon reigned for 40 years. (1 Kings 11:42)
25. The holy place of the Temple was 40 cubits long. (1 Kings 6:17)
26. 40 baths (measurement) was the size of lavers in the Temple. (1 Kings 7:38)
27. The sockets of silver were in groups of 40. (Ex. 26:19 & 21)
28. King Ahaz arose, and did eat and drink with an angel, and went in the strength of that meat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb the mount of God. (1 Kings 19:8)
29. Elijah had one meal that gave him strength for 40 days. (1 Kings 19:8)
30. Ezekiel bore the iniquity of the house of Judah for 40 days. (Ezekiel 4:6)
31. Jehoash reigned for 40 years in Jerusalem. (2 Kings 12:1)
32. Egypt was to be laid desolate for 40 years. (Ezek. 29:11-12)
33. Ezekiel's vision of the new Temple is 40 cubits long. (Ezek. 41:2)
34. The courts in Ezekiel's temple were 40 cubits long. (Ex. 46:22)
35. God gave Nineveh 40 days to repent. (Jonah 3:4)
36. Forty years God grieved for generation of people. (Psalms 95:10)
37. Jesus fasted 40 days and nights. (Matthew 4:2)
38. Jesus was tempted for 40 days. (Luke 4:2)
39. Jesus was ministered to by angels in the wilderness for 40 days. (Mark 1:13)
40. Jesus remained on Earth for 40 days after his resurrection. (Acts. 1:3)

FROM: The Book of Hiram: Freemasonry, Venus, and the Secret Key to the Life of Jesus by Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas

There are actually 101 references to this Venusians period of 40 in the Bible. The preceding is just a small sample.

Templum Hierosolyma
Clavis ad Thesaurum
Theca ubi res pretiosa deponitur
Res ipsa pretiosa
Nil nisi clavis deest
si talia jungere possis
sit tibi scire posse 
PM John B Love, III 33°
Right Illustrious Grand Lecturer
Most Illustrious Prince Hall Grand Council of Texas Royal and Select Masters

This table shows the basic eight-year cycle of Venus.  The first column shows the year of the cycle. The next column shows whether Venus is appearing as the morning or the evening star.This table shows the basic eight-year cycle of Venus. The first column shows the year of the cycle. The next column shows whether Venus is appearing as the morning or the evening star.

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