Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Prepare for the End of the World

written by
John B Love, III

The stories of mythological lore are more than just interesting tales.  Religious stories often have a way of concealing astro phenomenon that reveal much to those learned in their meaning.  In other words the secrets of the heavens (or heavenly bodies) are indeed communicated.  

The stories were preserved and orally told to each generation to give them the knowledge of survival.  For example tales of Zeus (his Roman name Jupiter) are descriptive about the destructive and protective power of the Chief God.   Jupiter could be benevolent and protect his people or he show his wrath and send destruction.  

Looking at the size of Jupiter compared to the size of the earth in the picture below shows how, by it's shear size, comets and astroids could be blocked by the Chief Planet-thus saving humans on earth.  These massive fireballs of destruction could also enter into the inner planes of the solar system where the smaller planets revolve and rotate in a centrifical and centrifugal universal force, if the King of Planets decides to let them pass.  (Note to Masons:  these two forces operate at right angles with respect to one another.)

Comets hitting the Earth happen more frequently than one would think, which gives credence to how and why our ancestors knew of this danger and why they were so concerned.  On June 30th, 1908, 2000 square miles was blasted by a comet that landed on Earth in Tunguska, Siberia. Some can also remember the comet that hit Russia earlier this year (2013), because of the multiple videos of the comet entering the atmosphere recorded by Russian car dashboard cameras.  

Earth being protected from comets by Jupiter also happens frequently.  

In 1994 the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 "woke the world up to the probability that large comet impacts are relatively regular occurrences, perhaps happening at frequencies measured in thousands, rather than millions of years." (Knight,Lomas pg 51)

And, "comets which have orbits in the same plane as the orbit of the major planets, including Earth, are much more likely to collide with us.  The great mass of Jupiter affects a comet in one of two ways.  It can divert the comet into a hyperbolic orbit, sending it off into space, or it can capture it into a tight elliptical orbit round the sun, making it a member of the Jupiter family of comets.  This is what was about to happen to Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, but its flight path was changed so abruptly that it was shattered to pieces under the strain." (Knight,Lomas pg 51)

"This event has shown us that it is possible for Jupiter to capture a comet, break it into fragmentsand  deflect those fragments onto a collision course with the Earth.  If a comet was diverted by Jupiter into a collision trajectory with the Earth, the maximum warning we would get would be about half an orbital period of a Jupiter family comet, which equates to between eighteen months and five years." (Knight,Lomas pg 51)

From the above quotes from the book Uriel's Machine by Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas published in 1999 by Century Books Limited, it's easy to see how the imagery of Zeus consists of him hurling lighting bolts to Earth.

Again, these stories (not just this one) have specific information coded for those who know, to plan and prepare for disasters.  It helped these initiates understand their world and prepare by seeking higher ground or building vast sea vessels because they were expecting a flood.  This then is truly why the ancients look to the stars and mapped out constellation and named planets. They understood the power of the Gods and how that power has affected life on Earth. The stories tell us not only of the history of comets hitting earth, landing in the  what covers most of the earth (water) and then flooding the planet; they also tell us of how to solve this problem.  The Book of Enoch is such a story.

In the Bible the story of Enoch is limited to his generations, his unique age of 365 years (not coincidently being the approximate amount of revolutions the earth makes while completing it's journey around the Sun), and his being taken up into the heavens by God. There is not a lot of information in the present Bible about Enoch.  The Biblical Enoch is part of a genealogy that starts with Adam and ends with Noah, the patriarch of the ark that survived the flood.


The Book of Enoch, however, gives more information about Enoch and the coming flood.  

In addition to Biblical reference and other cultures with stories of a flood, there is also a Legend of Flood in Freemasonry dealing specifically with (you guessed it) Enoch.  The 13th & 14th degrees of the system known as the Scottish Rite provides these details.  However, the most famous Masonic legend of the flood is about Enoch's great-great grand son, Lamech because it is stated that the children of Lamech, specifically Jabal and Jubal by his wife Ada and Naamab and Tubal Cain begotten by his wife Zillah, knew of the coming of the flood and wrote their sciences that they had founded in (on) Two Pillars.  

Those sciences are Geometry (Jabal), Music (Jubal), Metallurgy (Tubal Cain) and Weaving (Naamab).  But how did Lamech's other kids know enough about the approaching flood in order to realize that they must preserve their sciences for the future of humankind?  The Bible just states that Noah knew about the flood.  The Book of Enoch tells us more.  (Incidentally other Masonic degrees deal with the finding of these Two Pillars that preserved the "sciences" and thus is said to advance Freemasonry.)

This same story found in Masonic legend about the flood pertaining to Enoch was also found in the ancient Hebrew text known as the Book of Enoch.  This book was lost around the second century AD but was found by an 18th century Freemason, James Bruce.  In 1762, Bruce traveled to North Africa to specifically study the Black Hebrews known as the Falasha Jews of Ethiopia and their links with the Knights Templar.  Lomas & Knight (pg. 37-38) report that Bruce "planned to visit Armenia (the supposed landing place of Noah's Ark) to observe a transit of Venus."  But because he lost his telescope, he instead headed up the Nile to Ethiopia.  After rediscovering the Book of Enoch among the Ethiopians, he translated and was honoured by the King of France and elected a "Fellow of the Royal Society" (of whose membership includes Robert Fludd, Issac Newton and Leonardo Da Vinci).

The Book of Enoch is mysterious to most Biblical scholars.  It has long been considered to by an apocalyptic text similar to how the Book of Revelations is viewed.  All though the book itself is long and has many cryptic messages, a synopsis of its key points follows.  

Enoch was very important to the Hebrew relegion.  Modern biblical research shows that their were two types of Hebrew religion: the Mosiac form that is present today (descended from Moses) and an Enochian form that has found its way into Masonic rituals (descended from Enoch).   (The Enochian form existed right up to the Roman destruction of the Temple.)  

The  Enochian form involved Venus symbolism because Venus forms "the most accurate calendar system known to observational astronomy."  (Knight & Lomas pg 104)  As it moves around the Sun with respect to Earth, Venus forms a pentagram in the sky with each side of the pentagram taking 8 years to complete.  Thus the 40 year circuit that Venus makes is a MORE accurate clock than anything man has created.

According to Knight & Lomas, "Venus is the most accurate indicator of the time of year available in the solar system.  Every eight years it marks a point when the solar calendar, the lunar calendar and the sidereal (position of the stars) calendar all coincide to within a few minutes.  Over five Venus cycles-i.e. every 40 years - it synchronizes these calendars to within a few seconds.  The eight year Venus cycle also accurately maps the moon's phases and its sidereal movements to within five hours." (Knight & Lomas pg 229)

"The sidereal calendar is important for agriculture, the lunar calendar is important to tell the tides, and the solar calendar is needed to know the length of the day and to recognize feast days." (Knight & Lomas pg 229)

A section of the Book of Enoch, called the "Book of Heavenly Luminaries" describes  specifically the patriarch Enoch being taken by the angel (or Watcher) Uriel north to a "room"  where Uriel showed him the sun rising and setting in portals (gates).  Uriel also showed the planets and stars rising and setting through this "machine".  (Mason's are familiar with the term gates-and should now have a new understanding of the term-because King Solomon's temple was also characterized by "gates".)

"The portals and windows described in a section of the Book of Enoch called the Book of the Heavenly Luminaries, are part of a description of how to build a sophisticated horizon declinometer for measuring the position of any bright object in the sky.  The device is calibrated using the known position of the sun by timing its rising and setting from the equinoxes which are easy to determine accurately."(Knight & Lomas pg 261)

Knight & Lomas actually built a Uriel's machine. It surprisingly easy to build.  For a description on how to build a Uriel's Machine see Knight and Lomas' book of the same name.

"As we built it and came to understand the celestial geometry used in its design, it was clear that it could be used as an highly accurate timing device."  (Knight & Lomas pg 261)

Knight & Lomas then find an Egyptian hieroglyphic that depicts the Uriel's Machine, complete with the rising Sun, Venus (five pointed star) and a craftsman in a position that every Fellowcraft Mason is familiar with.  That picture is also below.  It turns out that every stone circle on this planet (and there are a LOT of them) is at the very least a Uriel's machine, with the most famous being Stonehenge.

The final piece of the story in the Book of Enoch gives a warning about a comet  which based on the observation of its declination through Uriel's Machine, shows that was on a path to hit the Earth.  By standing in the center of the circular Uriel's Machine, an observer can look toward the eastern horizon before Sun rise like aiming down gun barrel sights to track the motion of celestial bodies.  The windows (portals, gates) of the machine will highlight the movement of the object as the celestial bodies change from window to window.  The celestial object's movement from the outward windows to the inner window serves as confirmation that it is on target with the path of Earth. Because a zero declination means it's headed straight for Earth.

When technology is brought to mind, the images usually aren't sticks and/or stones.  The definition of technology, however, does not give details of what the technology is made of.  This technology is simple to make and simple to use but is so advanced that it boggles the mind as to how it was conceived.

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