Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Sublime Degree of Master Mason

The third degree of masonry is referred to as the sublime degree of Master Mason. Sublime is the adjective form of the noun sublimation. Sublimation is a chemical process of transforming a substance from a solid directly to a gaseous state without that substance passing through its liquid state.

The ancients revered the four “elements” of earth, water, air and fire. These symbolic elements, they believed, made up the composition of all physical matter. In a chemical sense their belief can be found to be true, because these symbols represent the chemical states of matter. Earth is the solid state. Water is the liquid state. Air is the gaseous state. Fire is the energy state. All matter can be transformed into a solid, liquid or gas, provided enough heat (energy) is applied.

These symbols have another meaning, too. Earth (solid) is a representation of the body. Air (gas) is a representation of spirit. Water (liquid) is a representation of the soul. Fire (energy) is a representation of the Perfected Will. Perfected Will is the conscious control of thoughts, words and actions used to transform humans to a higher state of existence. This is symbolized by the shaping of the rough stone by the working tools into a perfect stone.

Sublimation then is not just a chemical process (transforming solid matter in to gases) but it is the process being raised from a physical state to a spiritual state. Many examples of this process can be found in the Book of Law:

  • Jesus’ transfiguration
  • Enoch walked with God and was no more
  • Elijah taken up in the whirlwind.

The password of a Master Mason is a worker of metals; not jus a blacksmith but also a chemist, an alchemist. Sublimation is specifically an alchemical word. Alchemy is the practice of turning lead into gold. Most people confuse this with something of monetary value (metals). They tried to become rich by bringing their lead to the Alchemist.

Although the Alchemist does work with a soft gray base metal and transforms it into a soft golden perfect metal, it is not the chemicals of lead (Pb.) or gold (Au.) that he uses. Like the Alchemist, the Master Mason transformation is from a physical state to a spiritual state. He sublimates. He transforms his material into a white stone or Philosopher’s stone. The secret of the Philosopher’s stone can be found in the Holy Royal Arch degrees.

These are just some of the symbols that are present in our work and labor. I challenge you as Master Masons to explore and internalize them so that your length, width and breadth may be square; fitted for that unseen Temple.

  • Lead Mercury Intelligence Senior Deacon
  • Gold Sun 8 Spirit Worshipful Master

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