BODY-Pertains to the physical body of man.
INTUITION--That which is “known” without the aid of any of the senses or usual intellectual processes.
MATERIAL-That which is discernible to the perception by one or more of the senses.
PHYSICAL-Pertains to the physical body of man and to things physical.
PHYSICAL MAN-The “animal man”-the animated body without reference to the “self consciousness” of the individual.
PSYCHICAL MAN-The physical man to whom has been added intellect and self consciousness.
SELF-The psychical or mental man, not the body, but that to which one refers when he says “I.“’
SELF CONSCIOUSNESS-The ability to be conscious of Self as distinguished from mere consciousness of existence or simple consciousness as exhibited in the animal kingdom. Awareness of SOMETHING within oneself. The totality of conscious states.
SOUL-The Psyche. Strictly pertains to the mental and not to be confused with “spirit,” which is NOT SYNONYMOUS, and cannot be correctly used interchangeably with “soul” as is done by orthodox Christianity.
SPIRIT-When used in connection with man, the immortal “SOMETHING” which is Life itself.
SPIRIT-When used in connection with Deity, the same “SOMETHING” (which is as close to definition as finite mind can come). When used to refer to a state or plane of being, that state or plane of existence ABOVE (not directional, but qualitative) BOTH the physical and the psychical planes.
SPIRITUAL MAN-He who has attained “Cosmic Consciousness”, Spiritual consciousness” or the “LOST WORD” whether “within or without” the physical body.
GOD----Mention “God” before one hundred persons and one hundred gods that instant are created. Each one hearing the word immediately interprets it according to his CONCEPTION OF GOD and each such concept is different. To quote from that great source of wisdom, the Bhavagad Gita: “Each man’s God-his conception of Deity-is himself at his best, magnified by infinity.” Used here, reluctantly, for want of a better short descriptive word, “God”
will be understood to mean that SUPREME, IMPERSONAL INTELLIGENCE which we credit with being the directing force of the Universe. In Freemasonry this handicap is partially overcome for us by the descriptive phrase: “SUPREME ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE? Analysis of the words “supreme” and “architect” in their full implication reveals the comprehensiveness of this description, insofar as the finite mind can attain an understanding of the Infinite.
-from George Steinmetz’ “The Lost Word It’s Hidden Meaning”.