Friday, September 9, 2011

Squaring the Circle the Easy Way!

Squaring the Circle has always been difficult for moderns to understand how the ancients achieved this problem using only Euclidian Geometry.  Because of the infinite nature of Pi, it has been said that it is impossible to Square the Circle.  This however is not true.  It’s easy to square the circle….by using a pyramid! Specifically the Great pyramid at Giza.

If you take the height of the pyramid as the radius of a circle that you inscribe upon the square base of the pyramid, you have then achieved the impossibility of Squaring the Circle with only Compasses, a Straightedge and ingenuity.  See how it’s done in the video below.

Egyptian Secrets and How to Square the Circle

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Esoteric Lessons in Architecture

All I can really say is WOW!!!!!

It’s almost 4 hours long…..but damn it’s good!!!!!

Secrets in Plain Sight!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Sun of God, A Journey Through Time & Space

The only story ever told is the same story that’s always been told.  The story of the Sun of God through the 12 mansions.  The Gospel (Good News) is that it’s the story of the evolution of the soul of man.  This is why the story applies to so many Sun’s of God and not because the Devil went back in time to embarrass Jesus. 




Friday, July 15, 2011

The Summons


SHORT TALK BULLETIN - Vol.IX   March, 1931   No.3

by: Unknown

Every Master Mason understands that a summons is a command to attend the Communication of the lodge for which the summons is issued, or the occasion - funeral, trial, cornerstone laying; or other function - to which he is bidden.  Every Master Mason knows why he must “due answer make,” either by attendance, or submitting an acceptable excuse, such as illness, absence beyond the length of his cable tow, or other inability to be present.

The summons appears to be very old; older perhaps in civil law than in Masonry, and it has there no considerable antiquity.  Indeed, while the word does not appear in the Old Testament, both Numbers and Deuteronomy set forth instructions as to testimony of witnesses at trials, and by implication, if not by detailed statement, indicate that the presence of such witnesses was compulsory.  Funk and Wagnall’s Standard Bible Dictionary states that the Israelites “summoned” witnesses.

Civil summons was known in Rome, first by word of mouth, later by written citation to appear.  In Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales” (written about 1386) is a “sompour” or summoner to the ecclesiastical court.  The use of summons in English procedure goes back into the dim distance where fact and mysticism meet.  It was a part of the feudal system of England and the clan organization of Scotland.  When the Baron in England or the Laird in Scotland summoned his fiefs and retainers, they answered in person.  Failure to do so meant death.  The safety of the Baron depended upon absolute fealty; the safety of the realm depended upon prompt obedience of the Laird to the call of the King.  But importance of obedience to summons goes further back than that.

When King Arthur founded his mystic, if not mythical, Knights of the Round Table, one of the inflexible rules was that every knight must appear on a fixed day in every year to report to the table his acts and adventures of the past year.  Only one excuse, other than death, was acceptable; that the Knight was on a quest that so required his attention as to render it impossible for him to appear.  He was then expected to send an excuse for his disobedience of the requirement.

In the Anderson Charges of 1772, we read:

“In Ancient times no Master could be absent from the lodge, especially when warned to appear at it, without incurring a severe censure.”

In the Constitutions of the Cooke MS., about 1490. we are told that the Masters and Fellows were to be forewarned to come to the congregations.  All the old records, and the testimony of writers since the revival, show that it was always the usage to summon the members to attend the meetings of the General Assembly or the particular lodges.

In the United States the use of the summons grows rarer with every passing year, as applied to a whole membership.  In certain Jurisdictions the Master summons his lodge once a year, as much, perhaps, to keep the idea of the summons alive, as to assemble the whole lodge for any purpose.  Occasionally lodges are summonsed regularly twice a year, a custom which doubtless grew out of the original once-a-year summons to come and pay dues, when such particular lodges decided to receive dues every six months.  In some Jurisdictions the summons is used for the whole membership only upon extraordinary occasions, as when its proposed to finance a temple, or consider some extremely important question of policy such as giving up the Charter.  In many Jurisdictions a lodge can not legally give, or surrender its Charter without the action being considered by the whole membership at a summonsed meeting.

Most jurisdictions would commonly use the summons to command witnesses at a Masonic trial.  In some the master uses the summons to get a sufficient number of brethren present for Masonic Funerals.  Unhappily, the press of modern life, the casual manner in which too many regard their Masonry, the laxness of some Masters and the “laissez faire” policy of some Grand Lodge leaders, has allowed the sanctity of the summons to be somewhat tarnished.  A Mason is Masonicaly bound to :due answer make” to a summons.  Failure to answer a summons, then, is a Masonic offense, for which the offender may be tried.

But few who are interested in their lodges desire to see Masonic trials held, if they can by any possibility be avoided.  Lodge trials often produce lack of harmony and disunion among the membership.  To prefer charges and stage a trial for the apparent trivial offense of failure to answer a summons is sometimes held to be unwise.  Yet, not always so.  From a hundred instances one is chosen at random; the Grand Master of Louisiana wrote a letter to the Master and Wardens of a certain lodge, which read in part as follows:

“Brother R, Norman Bauer, D.D.G.M., has reported to me that the proceedings of your lodge in the matter of the trial of Brother__________.  My attention is especially called to the fact that out of a membership of more than 200, only 75 brothers answered the summons to be present at the trial.  You are hereby directed to require of the brethren who were absent, to give a proper explanation of their failure to be present, and in the event satisfactory explanation is not given, you are directed to have charges filed against each of them who fails to provide you with a satisfactory explanation.  The charges are to be, “Un-Masonic Con-duct in failing to obey the summons of the lodge, in accordance with their obligation and in accordance with the requirements of Masonic Law.” Into the question as to when it is wise and right to prefer charges for failure to answer a summons, and when the best interests of all are served by a mere reprimand to the guilty absentees, this paper cannot attempt to go.  But it may be said that while failure to answer a summons may be deemed trivial, violation of an obligation cannot be so considered.  Those who look at the matter from this standpoint, say that some disciplinary action is the only wise course to pursue.

It is not possible to blame modern conditions with all of our troubles!  It is only fair to say that sometimes disrespect for law is caused either by the law or the law-giver.  Grand Lodges themselves have not always looked very far ahead in legislating upon the summons.

The General Regulations of the Craft (1721) specifically state:

“The Master of a particular Lodge has the right and authority of congregating the members of his lodge in a Chapter at pleasure, upon any emergency or occurrence, as well as to appoint the time and place of their usual forming.”

The Regulations also specifically say : “Every annual Grand Lodge has the inherent power and authority to make new Regulations or to alter these, for the real benefit of this ancient Fraternity, provided always that the old landmarks be carefully preserved.” It is, then, perfectly within the power of a Grand Lodge to set up a new regulation regarding summons, or “right to congregate the lodge.”  In some Jurisdictions this has been done, and the right of summons shared between the Master and the lodge; that is, the Master may summons when he thinks it wise; and the lodge can issue summons when it thinks wise.

But as has been proved often in the past and probably will again in the future, the power to set up a regulation is one thing; to make it right - or even legal - is another!

It is practically universal that a Master has complete charge of the work of his lodge; he is responsible for what it does; he opens and closes it at his pleasure; he says when degrees are to be conferred; he controls absolutely the debate on any question and can close it, curtail it, initiate it as he thinks wise, and can put, “or refuse to put” any motion which in his judgment is subversive of the peace and harmony of the Craft.

A lodge can only act, as a lodge, as a result of a Master’s order, or of its own order - that it, its vote.  If a lodge would spend money, a motion must put and voted upon.  If it would receive a petition, the motion to receive must be put and balloted upon.  If it would call off during a summer month, a motion to call off stated communications is put and balloted upon.  (This, of course, if the Grand Lodge permits calling off.)

Hence, in a Jurisdiction in which the Grand Lodge has vested power to issue summons in the lodge, as well in the Master, the lodge must vote upon the question, which must be put.  If a Master refused to put the question up “Shall the lodge issue a summons” the lodge could not vote upon it.  If then, some brother feeling aggrieved, should appeal from this failure to put the question, to the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge, that higher authority would have to rule upon the right of a Master to control his work, if such an authority desired to discipline the Master for failure to permit the Grand Lodge’s other behest - the power of a lodge to summons - to be exercised!  Let nothing in these words be construed as a criticism of the Grand Lodges which in their wisdom have altered the original General Regulations and given to lodges as well as to their Masters the right to summons.  A Grand Lodge is supreme within its Jurisdiction.  No matter how inconsistent with laws, usages, customs, landmarks, constitutions or immemorial practices of the Fraternity its enactments may be, within its Jurisdiction what a Grand Lodge says is law, and therefore right - or right, and therefore law!  In Jurisdictions where the Grand Lodge has ruled upon any matter, that matter has been rightly decided for that Jurisdiction - aye, even if the Grand Lodge has ruled that black is white!  In this connection it is interesting to read that actions of a Grand Lodge which has decided this matter one way, and then the other!  In 1834 the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia decided that the Master had not the exclusive right to summons the members.  In 1909 a proposed by-law of a constituent lodge was referred to the Grand Lodge committee on By-Laws.  The proposed by-law read:

“Whenever the lodge is called upon to attend the funeral of a deceased brother, the Worshipful Master shall summons a sufficient number of the resident members of the lodge, naming them in regular alphabetical order, and a brother so summoned shall be present or furnish an acceptable substitute.  No brother attending a funeral in obedience to a summons shall again be called upon until his name is reached in regular order.”

The Committee on By-Laws reported that the lodge had no right to pass this by-law, in spite of the ancient decision of 1834, on the ground that while lodges have the right, subject to Grand Lodge approval, to fix the time and place of their stated communications, they have neither right nor power to legislate as to the time or place of special meetings, which are wholly under the control of the Master.  In concluding its report, which was unanimously adopted by the Grand Lodge and thus became the law in the District of Columbia, superseding the decision of 1834, the committee said:

“The Master has the sole authority to convene his lodge in special communications; he may compel the attendance of the members by summons; he alone can exercise this power and in its exercise he is not subject to the will of the lodge because he is the judge of the exigency or emergency that may require a special meeting.  These powers are inherent in the office of Master, and no by-law is needed to validate their exercise and none is legal which attempts to curtail, control or direct them.  That their exercise has been entrusted to the Master alone is doubtless due to the fact that the Grand Lodge looks to him, and not to the lodge, to see that the business of the lodge is properly conducted.” There is good Masonic authority for this decision, which, of course, is law only in Jurisdictions which have so ruled.  Mackey’s “Masonic Jurisprudence” states:

No motion to adjourn, or to close, or to call from labor to refreshment can ever be admitted in a Masonic Lodge.  Such a motion would be an interference with the prerogative of the Master and could not, therefore, be entertained.  The Master has the right to convene the lodge at any time and is the judge of any emergency that may require a special meeting.  Without his consent, except on the night of the Stated or regular communications, the lodge cannot be congregated and, therefore, any business transacted at a called or special communication without his sanction or consent would be illegal and void.”

Simons (Principals of Masonic Jurisprudence) says:

“It is an immemorial usage - and therefore a landmark - that none but the Master (when he is present) can congregate the brethren.  Under this prerogative  the Master may call or summon a meeting of his lodge at any time he thinks proper.  The summon can be issued by authority of the Master only, while he remains in discharge of his functions, and is a preemptory order which must be obeyed, under penalty, unless the excuse of the defaulter be of the most undeniable validity.”

In one Jurisdiction where it is held that the lodge as well as the Master may issue a summons, failure to answer a summons is treated with first, a merciful, then an iron hand.  The brother who is summoned but does not answer is re-summoned to the next communication of the lodge.  If he does not then answer with a valid excuse he shall be put to trial and if found guilty, may be reprimanded, suspended, or expelled, in the judgment of the lodge.  Any intelligent student of Freemasonry must have noted that its Jurisprudence is largely concerned with what may be done, rather than what may not; with duties and responsibilities, rather than prohibitions and penalties.  The gentle way of Masonry is to set up the right, and believe that every brother will adhere to it, rather than the wrong, forbidden under penalty of some punishment.  The best way to recreate the old respect which Masons had for a summons is not by trial and punishment, but by education and persuasion.

The vast majority of men are honest.  Most brethren want to do what is right.  Most Masons want to live up to their obligations, perform their duties, give as much as they get.  The exceptions stand out more because they are exceptions than because of their number.  In a certain Jurisdiction in which it is customary to summons the membership once a year, Masters have long been distressed because so many members ignored the summons.

One Master believed that members ignored the summons from     the lack of understanding of its importance, and their own obligation to answer it.  His lodge has 191 members.  He wrote 191 letters to go with the yearly summons.  The letters were short, but they were cordial, personal, brotherly.  They explained what the summons was, why it was issued, the duty of the brother to “due answer make” and closed with the assurance of the Master’s certainty that there was no question of its being answered, once it was understood.  One hundred and sixty-five members answered in person; twenty-one replied by letter giving good reasons why they could not come!.  In large lodges a summons may be all but an impossibility.  A lodge with a thousand members could not crowd them into the usual lodge room if all responded to a summons.  Summons by such lodges presupposes a special and sufficiently large place in which to meet.  Lodges with widely scattered members - as in small towns in large and sparsely populated states - may make the summons a real hardship on members who may have to travel long distances to answer.  It is for such reasons as these that the summons is used less and less merely because it is not possible to use, and more and more, when it is used, for only vital and essential matters.  Whether used once a year or oftener by Grand Lodge rule; or seldom, and only by the discretion of the Worshipful Master, respect for the summons may be inculcated by education, by talks in lodge, by letters accompanying the summons, and by word of mouth communication from member to member.

Enforcement, by Masonic trial and punishment, is essential when Grand Lodge so orders; unless it is mandatory, the gentler way will usually be found the wiser - and the more effective because it is more Masonic!

Learn Math & Geometry from Donald Duck

Donald Duck in MathMagic Land

This is a great video for learning the uses of mathematics and geometry.  Disney released this 27 minute featurette on June 26, 1959 and was nominated for an Academy Award in the category Best Documentary –Short Subjects. 

This movie explains the mathematics of music with a jam session from Pythagoras himself.  We then learn about this mysterious order of the Pythagoreans who met in secret and had a secret sign.  Donald is inducted into the order and receives the sign on his hand.  We learn of the pentagram, the golden section and the golden rectangle.  These images are then shown in architecture and art.  The human body and nature’s connection to mathematics is then revealed.  Games are next to be revealed of their mathematical foundations.  From strategy games to sports to kids games, all of them are shown to have a connection to math.  Next Donald's mind is revealed to be cluttered and after some cleaning he uses the circle and the triangle to find the root of most inventions.  The potential of infinity is contemplated towards the end as the film closes with Galileo’s famous quote “Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the universe!”   This cartoon documentary is fantastic!  It’s worth of watching over and over again.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Free Masonry should NOT be a Charitable Organization

Free, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Masonry has no ambition to be considered a Charitable Institution, in the modern acceptation of that term.  In that regard, we are widely different from those secret associations whose chief claim to public consideration is in the assistance they render to the unfortunate poor.  However laudable alms-giving may be, we are not prepared to accept it with them as a full and complete exercise of all our duties as conveyed in the word Charity.  Alms-giving is not the full scope of Charity a taught in the old Free Masonic schools of Philosophy.  The greatest of the divine virtues given to man is Charity.  EA Degree, AASR

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Emerald Tablet

In truth, without deceit, certain, and most veritable.


That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing.  And just as all things have come from this One Thing, through the meditation of One Mind, so do all created things originate from this One Thing, through Transformation.


Its father is the Sun; its mother the Moon.  The Wind carries it in its belly; its nurse is the Earth.  It is the origin of All, the consecration of the Universe; its inherent Strength is perfected, if it is turned into Earth.


Separate the Earth from Fire, the Subtle from the Gross, gently and with great Ingenuity.  It rises from Earth to Heaven and descends again to Earth, thereby combining within Itself the powers of both the Above and the Below.


Thus will you obtain the Glory of the Whole Universe.  All Obscurity will be clear to you.  This is the greatest Force of all powers, because it overcomes every Subtle thing and penetrates every Solid thing.


In this way was the Universe created. From this comes many wondrous Applications, because this is the Pattern.


Therefore am I called Thrice Greatest Hermes, having all three parts of the wisdom of the Whole Universe.  Herein have I completely explained the Operation of the Sun.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tragedy by RZA: An Esoteric Rap

Now if I just posted the video, it would be just another rap song to most. As I post the lyrics some of you may get it.  But to truly understand this have to be on another level.  You have to know and understand esoteric symbolism.  You have to be steeped in the knowledge of the 7 & Crescent, The 5 Percenters, Freemasonry or just one hell of a reader.  Each verse has deep esoteric teaching!  And now…..Tragedy by the RZA (pronounced Rizza)


Intro: RZA

Word up; Wu-Tang up in this joint
Wu-Tang Forever
Wu-Tang, Wu-Tang
Wu-Tang, Wu-Tang Forever (here comes the rain)
Word, Wu-Tang Forever (here comes the rain)
Wu-Tang Forever, the Ryzarector in your sector (here comes the rain)
From Shaolin to the holy city of Mecca (here comes the rain)

Verse One: RZA

Yo, yo, assassination, vaccination, poor education
infatuation with Satan with global nation taxation
Fiberoptic microscopic biological germ
Mad Cow burger on the market, Captain of your starship
I never departed once I started
to explore these regions that was uncharted
Leave your heart broken, yo I stand tall
like buildings on Van Dyke's, all mics
Beats strike like a noisy four train late night
Chase got New York for the Life, we out of state
Can't smoke a bone in the staircase with out gettin chased
Penny candy poisonous rappers, best to chill or get your head gashed
Lemonhead, sour patch kids, best to grab
a Life Savor, I'll Jawbreak ya, Boston Bake ya
Then plant my sunflower seed on every square acre
The beauty of my nature shown through Shaquaisha I Mecca
When I made myself Equality, known to my reflector
Stay in your playpen boy, and babble for your formula and cried
You pacified, this lullaby from the black butterfly

Chorus: Tha Truth

Here comes the rain again
Falling on your head like a tragedy
Falling on your head causing new demotions
Not even...

Verse Two: RZA

Yo, yo, I'ma show this metamorph-is as the King takes his office
Keep my planets in orbit, never forfeit, or quit
move forward, I talk with the awkward slang
I walk with, the Wu-Tang, dang!
Heavy thoughts can't be held down by the laws of gravity
Watch for the lime in the temple tryin to plot your tragedy
A game rank with, the high officials at the banquet
For attemptin to hijack the Wu-Tang Manual under his blanket
Can't interpret cause your brain is short circuit
This dumbness left your body numbness try to come amongst us
What's your angle? Rectangle or triangle?
As my truth of square drains you of your power the death angel
strangles you like a weed, choking the helpless flower, you cower
You feel the power of the final shower!

Chorus: Tha Truth

Here comes the rain again
Falling on your head like a tragedy
Falling on your head causing new demotions
Not even the naked eye, can see
Not e-eeven the naked eye, can see
Here comes the rain again (the reign of terror)
Falling on your head like a tragedy (fallin on your head like a tragedy)
Falling on your head causing new demotions
Not even... eye can see

Outro: RZA

Word up, word up Wu-Tang
Wu-Tang Wu-Tang
That's right, ninety-seven February
Wu-Tang comin at you, word up

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Message to Masons and Non Masons From the Guy on the $100 Bill

A Charge To The Fraternity by Benjamin Franklin, starring Richard Easton Grand Lodge Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Portugal

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What You Need To Know About Indian Astrology

What You Need To Know About Indian Astrology

By: Jeff D McQueen

Astrology is part of the lives of many individuals since many people believe in what it brings to each and every person. To some people, astrology is something that is out of the ordinary and to some countries, many people believe in them especially when talking about Horoscopes. This is why Indian Astrology is widely accepted amongst its believers. Indian Astrology or Vedic Astrology is considered the purest form of astrology since it was used for almost five thousand years and it remained relevant and at the same time existing in today's generation. It is also believed that this type of astrology is based on the things that people learned from the early Indian Sages on matters of planetary influences.

This type of astrology follows a Vedic system which horoscopes are based on Vedic Moon Sigh, Vedic Ascendants and Vedic Nakshatras. In case you are wondering how individual horoscopes are prepared using this type of astrology, well they are done by making a birth chart which they call the Vedic birth chart which is based on the accurate birth date, time and place of birth of a particular person. Aside from birthdates, time and place of birth, they also consider the position of planets in order to prepare replies for any questions asked by a person with the help of this horoscope readings. To make it more understandable, this type of astrology has 3 branches which are as follows:


Nadi- They are referred to as Nadi Shastra who are known to give images of life as well as the destiny of people who were born at a specific interval in seconds. This was used by the ancient sages and only experts are able to read and understand these things but believe it or not, predictions resulting from this branch of astrology are always found to be very accurate.

Nakshatras- believers of this form of astrology said that the study of this particular type of astrology consists of twenty seven Nakshastras with the help of the Moon and the sun as well as the major planets namely: Jupiter, Mars, Saturn Mercury and Venus

Moon and Rasi / Rashi- the moon is very important in this particular type of astrology since it gives the earth much influence like the waxing and the waning of moon which causes the tides of the seas have a great effect.

This technique is very popular in India and in most countries especially when it comes to the prediction of love, marriage, birth, career as well as death. Many countries also believe in this type of astrology especially when it comes to the prediction of the future of a certain country as well as the disasters and catastrophe that might happen. With this said Indian Astrology is already popular all over the world and is widely used by many people who believe in astrology.

Author Resource:-> To find out more, check out: Indian Astrology

Article From

Friday, January 14, 2011

What Are Retrograde Planets In Astrology?

Retrograde planets in astrology are when the planets appear to be moving backwards. This isn't the case though as planets do not move backwards. Its actually an optical illusion. When an astrologer looks up to sky they see the sun and all the planets orbiting around it, the sun being the centre of our universe. There are times looking at the planets from earth that they appear to slow down, pause and even move backwards. They haven't stopped or slowed down its just an illusions from looking at the planets from earth. The best way to explain this is to imagine there are two trains going the same way with you on one of them. As one train starts to accelerate, it appears from inside this train that the slower train is moving backwards. But we know its not going backwards, its just the train we are in has sped up. This again is an optical illusion and the retrograde motion of the planets works in the same way.

The only exception with the planets going retrograde is the Sun and Moon, they are never in a retrograde motion. Mercury is the planet that retrogrades most often, 3 times a year and for about 3 weeks each time. This year (2011) the planet Mercury will be retrograde from 30th March to the 23rd April, the next one is from 3rd August to the 26th, then the last one is from the 24th November through to 14th December.

Mercury is associated with the rational mind and all forms of communications such as travelling, conversations in any form such as email or over the telephone. It governs how we trade and exchange goods, services and contracts. If Mercury is retrograde its influences becomes magnified and turbulent. Almost like a storm is brewing. Gemini and Virgo signs are ruled by this planet so this means you will be more affected. There could be delays with travel or car problems, delays with mail or contracts, misunderstandings and communication breakdowns, cancelled appointments and problems with electrical equipment especially anything to do with communications such as computers telephones etc. This explains the trouble we had here in the UK regarding all the travel problems caused by the snow. If you look at the dates of when Mercury was retrograde last year you will see its exactly when the storm broke as it were.
Articles Source:
About the Author:Carolyn Clayton writes for English Astrologer Patrick Arundell who offers Horoscope & Astrology readings including love horoscopes, chinese horoscopes and much more.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Freemasons Symbols - Seven Things You May Not Know

Most people have seen Freemasons symbols in architecture, literature and cinema, most likely without realizing they are symbols of the Craft. Many Masonic symbols are evolved from ancient practices, each bearing its own interpretation, be it of a practical, spiritual, physical or religious nature. Below are seven things you may not know about symbols involved in Freemasonry.

  • Many of the symbols the Craft uses pay homage to the original Freemasons, the medieval stonemasons, and include the tools of their trade such as the square, compass, level, gavel, trowel gauge and apron.
  • The Pillars on the porch and their symbolism play a large role in the initiation ceremony of the Freemason Fellowcraft degree. In the Bible the pillars are named Jachin and Boaz, and they stood at the entrance to the Temple of Solomon. King Solomon's Master Mason Hiram Abiff is greatly revered in Freemasonry, and symbols from the Temple of Solomon are common.
  • The letter G is a highly visible symbol of Freemasonry. God and geometry are deeply embedded in the Craft. Symbols involving the letter are more common in American and Canadian Masonry but less frequently in British and European Masonry.
  • The all-seeing eye, also known as the eye of providence is a Masonic symbol. The all-seeing eye within an equilateral triangle which can either point up or down appears in Christendom as a symbol of the Holy trinity and is often found in Masonic art and rituals. It is meant to remind Masons of the Supreme Being and the watchful eye that acts as judge over his words and actions.
  • Anti-Freemasons often cite the pentagram as a Satanic symbol linked to Freemasonry. The pentagram, a five-pointed star, has no historical link to Satanism and is not used as a ritual symbol or in any lectures or teachings within the Craft. It is, however, used as an ornament on seals and banners of Grand Lodges and by lodge Masters and Grand Masters on their collars of office.
  • Bee Hives are commonly depicted Freemasons symbols. The Bee Hive represents the humility and importance of a strong team-based work ethic. It also symbolizes the practice of secrecy, as only the busy bees know what takes place within the hive.
  • It is alleged that in 1791, Pierre Charles L'enfant the designer responsible for planning the Washington DC street, road and building system, hid many Freemason symbols, that are said to be linked to the occult, within these plans.

I hope you enjoyed the article about Freemason symbols. If you are interested in the secrets of Freemasons I thoroughly recommend the fascinating

Article Source:

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Learn the Night Sky!


If you know the constellations, and memorize the following rhyme you will have ever at hand for reference at night, a reliable time-piece, a compass, and a perpetual calendar.

The numbers above the star names indicate consecutively the months of the year in which these respective objects rise about the first instant in the eastern sky. In addition to first-magnitude stars the rhyme refers to the head of Capricornus, the Sea Goat, the Great Square of Pegasus, and Orion's Belt. All except Arcturus rise between 9 and 9.30 p.m. Arcturus rises at 10 p.m., February 1st.











































Eight months of the year are identified by the position of the Dipper at 9 p.m. In April and May it is north of the zenith. During July and August it is west of north. In October and November it lies close to the northern horizon and in January and February it is east of north with the pointers highest

Weather Control

Weather Control

Is it strange how, when we are in the middle of summer, it can be raining out, and one day it is very "hot", the next day it is 15 degree cooler, and two days later, it is "hot" again?  Does this seem strange? How about earthquakes in parts of the world, that are so devastating, that if they were to happen here, our whole economy could be ruined.
   Do you think it is "odd" that people would suggest that the government can and does control the weather?  I KNOW it sounds a little paranoid, but if you do the research to investigate, you will undoubtedly arrive at the same conclusions. OUR WEATHER IS CONTROLLED!!

   It all began with a Serbian fellow named Nikola Tesla, who came here to the United States in the late 1800's at the turn of the century. Tesla was a true "genius". Tesla had invented or discovered, the Radio, Television, Neon Lighting, Alternating Current, Particle Beams, and there is much reason to believe he was involved with building the world's first flying saucer projects equip with Free-Energy. Tesla had figured out how to "tap" the abundant electricity generated by the earth's rotation. The same electricity which causes lightning, which we can visibly see.

   Tesla was also known for having developed ways to use "Scalar Electromagnetics". The use of which could be for "Good" purposes or "not so good" ones. One of the "Inventions" he had, he called the "Earthquake Machine". He claimed that with the "Press of a button", he could split the Earth in two. There are also variations of this, depending on the frequency used and the oscillating rate. A small tremor could be produced, or a huge catastrophe.

   To read more about Nikola Tesla, his background, and Flying Saucers - Click Here!!

   Currently, the military has control over this technology and is using it in a number of ways. The main use of it for weather control, I believe, is a project in Alaska called HAARP. This stands for High Auroral Arial Research Project. The "Official" story behind this can be checked out by going to the Official HAARP Home Page. Be aware though, that the Army has created a "Cover" for what this Project "Really" is. The project is for "Weather Control", however, they claim it was created to
"Monitor" the weather patterns, and such. This is total Bulls**t. If you believe that, I have some "Prime" real estate, farmland, and fruit orchards to sell you, in Alaska, that is.

   Nick Begich is probably the best source today, as well as the first, to point out and teach about the "True" story behind HAARP, and how it all got started. (I am not very scientific, although I understand a lot. So I will not go into things I cannot explain or discuss on my own here. You can read these people's writings for yourself to get the best understanding. I am only going to convey the basic message here.)
Since Nick's book, "Angel's Don't Play this HAARP" came out a few years back, there have been several other good sources of information that have come along.  To read a summary of the book - Click Here!! -

Here is an Excellent background report on Tesla, HAARP, and the use of Scalar Weaponry-Click Here!!

Thomas Bearden Interview from Feb. 4 1991 - Click Here!!
From Nexus Magazine : "Bright Skies - Fireballs & Tesla Weapons Testing" - Click Here!!

From Nexus Magazine : "HAARP : Vandalism in the Sky" - By Nick Begich - Click Here!!

The Military's Pandora's Box - By Nick Begich and Jean Manning - From Earthpulse - Click Here!!

The E-Bomb - Devastating Effect of Electromagnetic Warfare on Computers & Machines - Click Here!!

Joint Economic Committee Hearing on Radio Frequency Weapons and Proliferation: Potential Impact on the
Economy Wednesday, February 25, 1998 : Click Here!!

    Here is a List of Relevant Books & Videos : '

* ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS HAARP : Advances in Tesla Technology - Jeane Manning, Dr. Nick Begich - 233 P. -
1997 -

* SECRETS OF COLD WAR TECHNOLOGY : Project HAARP and Beyond - Gerry Vassilatos - 2000 -  250 P. -

* GRAVITOBIOLOGY - Thomas Beardon -


* FER-DE-LANCE - A Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic Weapons - Thomas Beardon - 1986

* SPACE ALIENS FROM THE PENTAGON: Flying Saucers are Man-Made Elictrical Machines - William Lyne - 1993 -
244 P. -

* OCCULT ETHER PHYSICS : Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System & the Conspiracy to Conceal It" - Bill Lyne -
106 P. - 1998 -

* LOOM OF THE FUTURE : Weather Engineering Work of Trevor James Constable - Thomas J.Brown -


* ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS HAARP (The Video)--Nick Begich-

* THE EYE OF THE STORM : The Inventions of Nikola Tesla - Narrated by Stan Deyo - 90 Min.-

* The New World Order, Secret Societies, Flying Saucers and other Top Secret Government Cover-ups - (A Hard
Rain)--An Interview With William Lyne, Author of "Space Aliens From The Pentagon"--Approx. 3 1/2 Hours-


* ABOVE TOP SECRET--Militia of Montana--Hosted By Bob Fletcher - 10-95 -

* EXOTIC WEAPONS OF MASS CONTROL - Bob Fletcher - 1998 (5 Hours/2 Tapes)



* AMERICA UNDER SIEGE - Linda Thompson -

* ENEMIES FOREIGN & DOMESTIC--Part. 1 - The problem - John Trochmann - Militia of Montana - 12-95

* AMERICA : It's Not too Late...Yet ! - Bob Fletcher - Militia of Montana -